That’s right, bully, you should probably stick with the classic bullying techniques…no more slingshotting mute kids to goodness knows where.
That’s right, bully, you should probably stick with the classic bullying techniques…no more slingshotting mute kids to goodness knows where.
Ah man, I forgot about this douche…
Yeah, after the Giant Robots, your run-of-the-mill jerk doesn’t really strike as much of an impression…
Ima scared the jerk-off has the ability to think and learn >.<
By the by, why does he look liek a turtle?
You’re totally right, I didn’t notice that!
Teenage Mute-abusing Jerk Turtle. The less-cool cousin.
Villains in a Half Shell! Turtle (Abuse of) Power!
Good eye! He’s actually designed as a human version of a character from my first webcomic, Antisoshell. If you look at the most recent update (posted shortly after Silent Pirate began) you may notice a surprise…
Man, you can really tell the difference in art since Silent Pirate came to be. If you compare this page to the first page where Jerk Turtle actually went through with slingage, you really appreciate the progress this comic has come through
Thanks 😀 I’ve got a long way to go, though…
Oh, she drew a peace sign on that skull in chapter 2?
Yep. She was the one who picked out a Silent Pirate’s original clothing, and the “Peace” sign represents her personality fairly well. SP was raised by her, so the “Peace” sign fits him as well…but now he’s being raised by pirates too, so it alone isn’t enough!